130A Oscilloscope

First Catalog 1956
Last Catalog 1957
HP Journal March 1956
List price first US$450
List price last US$650

The 130A was the first oscilloscope introduced by HP, a general purpose low frequency high sensitivity oscilloscope, it was featured in the March 1956 journal. https://www.hpl.hp.com/hpjournal/pdfs/IssuePDFs/1956-03.pdf

CRT: 5“ 5AQP, with a choice of P1, P7 or P11 phosphors
External illuminated 10cm x 10cm graticule
Bandwidth: DC to 300kHz
Sensitivity: 1mV to 50V per division
Timebase: 1us to 5s per division
Size: width 9¾”, height 15¼“, depth 21”
Weight: 39lbs
Power: 115/230Vac (selection links inside) 175W.
