First Catalog | 1954 |
Last Catalog | 1966 |
Cost | $900 |
Weight | 62 lbs |
Power | 220 Watts |
Frequency Range: 10MHz to 480MHz in 5 bands, +/- 1%. Output Level: 0.1 microvolt to 1.0 volt, +/- 1db.
The HP 608C VHF Signal Generator is a general purpose test instrument which furnishes accurately adjustable r-f signals from 0.1 microvolt to 1 volt over the frequency range from 1 to 480 megacycles. The output signal may be amplitude modulated by internally generated sine waves or by externally applied sine waves or pulses. The output signal level is adjustable by an attenuator calibrated in both volts and dbm and can be read directly to an accuracy of +/- 1 db over the full frequency and attenuation range without the use of external pads, monitoring devices, or charts. The 608C features a very wide frequency range, high output, and straightforward operation through the use of reliable, direct-reading controls and meters.
All r-f signal circuits and the output attenuator are housed in an aluminum die casting divided into three compartments.